Unlocking the Secret: Cannot Get Woocommerce Gift Card Value Through Code?
Image by Kadir - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret: Cannot Get Woocommerce Gift Card Value Through Code?

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Are you stuck in a rut, trying to retrieve the gift card value in Woocommerce through code, but nothing seems to work? Don’t worry, friend, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Woocommerce gift cards and explore the reasons behind this frustrating issue. More importantly, we’ll provide you with clear and actionable solutions to get you back on track!

Understanding Woocommerce Gift Cards

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review how Woocommerce gift cards work. A gift card is essentially a prepaid card with a specific value, which can be redeemed by the recipient in your online store. Woocommerce has built-in support for gift cards, making it easy to create and manage them. However, when it comes to accessing the gift card value through code, things get a bit more complicated.

The Problem: Gift Card Value Nowhere to be Found!

You’ve tried everything: accessing the `WC_Gift_Card` object, using `woocommerce_get_gift_card_value()` function, even digging through the database tables – but still, the gift card value remains elusive. It’s as if Woocommerce has hidden it behind a veil of complexity.

Fear not, dear developer! We’re about to lift that veil and reveal the secrets behind accessing the gift card value through code.

The Solution: Understanding the Gift Card Object

The key to unlocking the gift card value lies in understanding the `WC_Gift_Card` object. This object contains all the relevant information about the gift card, including its value. To access the value, you need to retrieve the `WC_Gift_Card` object and then access its properties.

$gift_card = new WC_Gift_Card($gift_card_id);
$gift_card_value = $gift_card->get_value();

In the above code snippet, we’re creating a new instance of the `WC_Gift_Card` object, passing the gift card ID as an argument. Then, we’re using the `get_value()` method to retrieve the gift card value.

But Wait, There’s More!

What if you need to access the gift card value in a specific context, such as in a custom plugin or theme? You might need to use a different approach. Fear not, we’ve got you covered!

Method 1: Using the `woocommerce_get_gift_card_value()` Function

Woocommerce provides a convenient function to retrieve the gift card value: `woocommerce_get_gift_card_value()`. This function takes the gift card ID as an argument and returns its value.

$gift_card_value = woocommerce_get_gift_card_value($gift_card_id);

Method 2: Accessing the `wp_woocommerce_gift_cards` Table

In some cases, you might need to access the gift card value directly from the database. You can do this by querying the `wp_woocommerce_gift_cards` table.

global $wpdb;
$gift_card_value = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_gift_cards WHERE id = '$gift_card_id'");

In this code snippet, we’re using the WordPress database object (`$wpdb`) to query the `wp_woocommerce_gift_cards` table and retrieve the gift card value based on its ID.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Even with the solutions outlined above, you might still encounter some issues. Let’s address some common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips:

Pitfall 1: Incorrect Gift Card ID

Make sure you’re using the correct gift card ID when retrieving the value. Double-check that the ID is valid and corresponds to the gift card you’re trying to access.

Pitfall 2: Incompatible Woocommerce Version

Some Woocommerce versions might have introduced changes that affect the way gift cards work. Ensure you’re running the latest version of Woocommerce or check the version-specific documentation for any changes.

Pitfall 3: Conflicting Plugins or Themes

Other plugins or themes might interfere with the gift card functionality. Try deactivating other plugins or switching to a default theme to isolate the issue.


Retrieving the gift card value through code in Woocommerce can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and approaches, it’s definitely achievable. By understanding the `WC_Gift_Card` object, using the `woocommerce_get_gift_card_value()` function, or accessing the `wp_woocommerce_gift_cards` table, you can unlock the secret to getting the gift card value.

Remember, troubleshooting is key! Be patient, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you encounter any issues. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the challenge and get the gift card value flowing!

Bonus: Tips and Tricks for Working with Woocommerce Gift Cards

Here are some additional tips and tricks for working with Woocommerce gift cards:

  • Use the `WC_Gift_Card` object wisely**: The `WC_Gift_Card` object provides a wealth of information about the gift card, including its value, ID, and more. Use it to your advantage when working with gift cards.
  • Cache the gift card value**: If you’re retrieving the gift card value frequently, consider caching it to improve performance.
  • Validate gift card IDs**: Always validate the gift card ID before attempting to retrieve the value. This ensures you’re working with a valid gift card.
  • Handle errors gracefully**: Be prepared to handle errors that might occur when retrieving the gift card value. This will help you provide a better user experience.
Gift Card Value Retrieval Methods Pros Cons
`WC_Gift_Card` object Provides access to multiple gift card properties Requires creating an instance of the object
`woocommerce_get_gift_card_value()` function Convenient and easy to use
Accessing the `wp_woocommerce_gift_cards` table _direct access to the gift card value Requires database queries and can be slower

With these tips, tricks, and solutions, you’re now well-equipped to tackle any gift card-related challenges in Woocommerce. Remember, practice makes perfect, so get coding and start unlocking the secrets of Woocommerce gift cards!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with WooCommerce gift cards? We’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions about retrieving gift card values through code.

Why can’t I retrieve the gift card value using the `get_meta()` function?

The `get_meta()` function only retrieves metadata associated with a specific product, but gift card values are stored in a separate table. You’ll need to use a dedicated function, such as `wc_get_gift_card_balance()`, to fetch the gift card value.

How do I retrieve the gift card balance for a specific user?

Use the `wc_get_gift_card_balance_for_user()` function, passing the user ID as an argument. This function will return the total balance for all gift cards associated with that user.

Can I retrieve the gift card value using the `WC_Gift_Card` object?

Yes, you can! The `WC_Gift_Card` object provides a `get_balance()` method, which returns the current balance of the gift card. Just make sure to instantiate the object with the correct gift card ID.

Why do I get a null value when trying to retrieve the gift card balance?

Double-check that you’re using the correct gift card ID or user ID. Also, ensure that the gift card is active and has a balance greater than zero. If you’re still stuck, try debugging your code or checking the WooCommerce logs for errors.

Are there any alternative methods to retrieve the gift card value?

Yes, you can also use the `wc_get_gift_card_balance_by_code()` function, which retrieves the balance by the gift card code. Alternatively, you can query the `wc_gift_cards` table directly using a custom SQL query, but be cautious when manipulating database data.

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