Rails: Taming the Beast of “@hotwired/turbo-rails” and Redirects
Image by Kadir - hkhazo.biz.id

Rails: Taming the Beast of “@hotwired/turbo-rails” and Redirects

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What is Turbo Rails, and why do I need it?

The Problem: Redirects Gone Rogue

Identifying the Culprit: Understanding Turbo Rails Redirects

Solving the Redirect Problem

<a href="/path/to/link" data: "turbo": false>Link Text</a>

Option 2: Configure Turbo Rails to Ignore Redirects

Rails.application.config.turbo.config.ignore_redirects = true

Option 3: Use the `data: { turbo_method: ‘get’ }` Attribute

<a href="/path/to/link" data: "turbo_method": "get">Link Text</a>

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check Your Routes

  • Verify Your Controller Actions

  • Inspect Your Network Requests


Option Description
Disable Turbo Rails for Specific Links
Configure Turbo Rails to Ignore Redirects Add `Rails.application.config.turbo.config.ignore_redirects = true` to your `turbo_configs.rb` file
Use the `data: { turbo_method: ‘get’ }` Attribute

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to turbocharge your Rails app with answers to the most pressing questions about “@hotwired/turbo-rails” and redirects!

What is the main issue with “@hotwired/turbo-rails” and redirects in Rails?

The main issue is that Turbo Rails can intercept redirects and prevent them from working as expected, causing headaches for developers. This is because Turbo Rails uses JavaScript to enhance page loads, which can sometimes clash with redirect mechanisms.

How can I identify if Turbo Rails is causing issues with my redirects?

Check your browser’s console for any Turbo Rails-related errors or warnings. Also, try disabling Turbo Rails temporarily to see if your redirects start working as expected. If they do, then Turbo Rails is likely the culprit!

Can I use the `turbo_method` option to fix redirect issues with Turbo Rails?

Yes, you can! By setting `turbo_method: :get` or `turbo_method: :post` on your redirect_to call, you can bypass Turbo Rails’ JavaScript enhancement and allow the redirect to work as expected. Give it a try!

Are there any other workarounds to fix redirect issues with Turbo Rails?

Yes, you can try using the `data: { turbo: “false” }` option on your redirect link, or use the `redirect_to` method with a full URL instead of a Rails route. Also, consider using the `turbo: :replace` option to replace the current page with the redirect target. Experiment and find what works best for your app!

Should I simply disable Turbo Rails if I’m experiencing redirect issues?

Not necessarily! Turbo Rails provides many benefits, such as faster page loads and improved user experience. Instead, try to identify the specific issue and apply one of the workarounds mentioned above. If all else fails, you can consider disabling Turbo Rails, but make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.